Tatiana Siedlova

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Provokatívne a sexy. Sú to diela Tatiany Siedlovej.
Jej štýl sa pohybuje od realizmu k abstrakcii. Preferovanou technikou je olejomaľba. Jej práce môžu byť videné v USA, Veľkej Británii, Rusku, Nemecku, Rakúsku, Dánsku a Nórsku, Belgicku, Holandsku, Nemecku, Austrálii, v galériách a súkromných zbierkach.

1992 -1998 University of Fine Arts and Architecture


2015. International competition "World Art - 2015". Slovakia, Bratislava. Premium of international criticism.
2013. Italy. International competition with the support of the President of the Republic of Italy "PREMIO CITTA’ DI PORTO SANT’ELPIDIO"
2013.Italy. International competition with the support of the President of the Republic of Italy "PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE D’ARTE “PERLA DELL’ADRIATICO”
2012. Italy. International competition with the support of the President of the Republic of Italy "PREMIO INTERNAZIONALE D’ARTE “PERLA DELL’ADRIATICO”

02.12.2015. Prague, Czech Republic, which organizes DARTE GALLERY partnership with Playboy, Fashion TV.
2015. Exhibition-auction "Erotic in art", DARTE GALLERY, Slovakia.
2015. International Exhibition "World Art - 2015", Bratislava, Slovak gallery of radio and television.
2014. Bratislava. Exhibition "Christmas Atelier"
2014. Slovakia. Personal exhibition in gallery "ArtIn"
2013. Italy. International Exhibition Art.
2013. Bratislava. Exhibition "Christmas Atelier"
2012. Italy. International Exhibition Art.
2012. Trnava. Exhibition "Erotic"

Autorove diela

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